
Case Study

Engaged its eco-conscious community through Hippie Central workshops on garment repair and sustainable materials. Increased website traffic and brand loyalty.

patagonia's logo

Patagonia Threads Sustainability Through Hippie Central

Brand: Patagonia (Outdoor apparel company known for its environmental activism)

Challenge: Patagonia wanted to engage its existing customer base, passionate about sustainability, in a more interactive way. They also aimed to educate a wider audience about sustainable practices within the clothing industry.

Solution: Patagonia partnered with Hippie Central to host a series of live virtual workshops on topics like repairing outdoor gear, extending garment life, and choosing eco-friendly clothing materials. Patagonia experts led the discussions, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose amongst participants.

models with sustainable clothing

Results: The workshops were a huge success, attracting a large audience within Hippie Central. Patagonia saw a significant increase in website traffic from Hippie Central users and a rise in engagement with their eco-conscious clothing lines. Additionally, the workshops fostered brand loyalty and a sense of community amongst Patagonia's existing customer base.

models with sustainable clothing